Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Topical Index: Types: Wartime Sexual Violence: th Century:
Types: Wartime Sexual Violence: General [Info] Douglas, R.M. »The US Army and Male Rape during the Second World War.« Journal of Contemporary History (June 11, 2020). [Info] Lawlor, Ruth. American Soldiers and the Politics of Rape in World War II Europe. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2020. [Info] Lawlor, Ruth. »"The Circumstances Here are Not Ordinary": Rape and U.S. Military Law in World War II Europe.« 87th Annual Meeting of the Society for Military History. Arlington 2020. [Info] Lawlor, Ruth. »Contested Crimes: Race, Gender, and Nation in Histories of GI Sexual Violence, World War II.« The Journal of Military History 84 (2020): 541-569. [Info] Lilly, Robert. »Sexual Violence by US Soldiers during WW II.« »Against Our Will«—Forty Years After: Exploring the Field of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. Hamburg 2015. [Info] Noro, Tamaki. »Conflicted Masculinity: Examining Sexual Violence in World War II.« The Feeling of Certainty: A Conference in Recognition of the Work of Karl Figlio. 2014. [Info] Noro, Tamaki. »Conflicted Masculinity: Examining Sexual Violence in World War II.« War and Sexual Violence. New York 2016. [Info] Wieskamp, Valerie N. Sexual Violence and the U.S. Military: The Melodramatic Mythos of War and Rhetoric of Healing Heroism. Ph.D. Thesis, Indiana University, 2015. Austrian Victims [Info] Burgsteiner, Karin. Öffentlichkeit und sexuelle Gewalt. Besatzungssoldaten und Österreicherinnen 1945/46. Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien, 2010. French Victims [Info] Alford, Kenneth D. American Crimes and the Liberation of Paris: Robbery, Rape and Murder by Renegade GIs, 1944-1947. Jefferson 2016. [Info] Ashton, Bridget E. “A Delirious Welcome to Anyone in Uniform”: The GI Experience in Paris, July – September 1944. Student Research Paper, Gettysburg College, 2017. [Info] Kehoe, Thomas J., et al. »Crimes Committed by U.S. Soldiers in Europe, 1945-1946.« Journal of Interdisciplinary History 47 (2016): 53-84. [Info] Panchasi, Roxanne. »What Soldiers Do: Sex and the American GI in World War II France.« New Books in French Studies. New Books Network 2013. [Info] Roberts, Mary L. »Rape Hysteria and the Sexual Economy of Race: French Accusations of Sexual Assault against African-American G.I.s, 1944-1946.« Center for European Studies, University of Michigan. Ann Arbor 2013. [Info] Roberts, Mary L. What Soldiers Do: Sex and the American GI in World War II France. Chicago 2013. [Info] Roberts, Mary L. Des GI's et des femmes: Amours, viols et prostitution à la Libération. Paris 2014. [Info] Roberts, Mary L. »Rape Hysteria and the Sexual Economy of Race: French Accusations of Sexual Assault against African-American G.I.s, 1944-1946.« Department of History, University of Tennessee. Knoxville 2014. [Info] Roberts, Mary L. »American GIs in France during WW II.« »Against Our Will«—Forty Years After: Exploring the Field of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. Hamburg 2015. [Info] Schuessler, Jennifer. »The Dark Side of Liberation.« New York Times (May 21, 2013): C1. German Victims [Info] Blumenstock, Friedrich. Der Einmarsch der Amerikaner und Franzosen im nördlichen Württemberg im April 1945. Stuttgart 1957. [Info] Dykstra, Robert R. »Evident Bias in Thomas J. Kehoe and E. James Kehoe, “Crimes Committed by U.S. Soldiers in Europe, 1945–1946”.« Journal of Interdisciplinary History 47 (2017): 381-384. [Info] Froese, Pia. Das Kriegsende in Krefeld 1945 aus der Perspektive der Zeitzeugen. Bachelorarbeit, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 2020. [Info] Gebhardt, Miriam. Als die Soldaten kamen: Die Vergewaltigung deutscher Frauen am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Bonn 2015. [Info] Gebhardt, Miriam. Als die Soldaten kamen: Die Vergewaltigung deutscher Frauen am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Munich 2015. [Info] Gebhardt, Miriam. »Als die Soldaten kamen: Die Vergewaltigung deutscher Frauen am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs.« Dokumentationszentrum Topographie des Terrors. Berlin 2015. [Info] Gebhardt, Miriam. »Als die Soldaten kamen: Die Vergewaltigung deutscher Frauen am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs.« Mahn- und Gedenkstätte Steinwache. Dortmund 2015. [Info] Gebhardt, Miriam. Ja sitten tulivat sotilaat: Saksalaisnaisten kohtalo toisen maailmansodan voittajien käsissä. Helsinki 2016. [Info] Gebhardt, Miriam. Crimes Unspoken: The Rape of German Women at the End of the Second World War. Cambridge 2017. [Info] Heinzeller, Stephanie, et al. »Miriam Gebhardt, Historikerin und Autorin« Eins zu Eins. Der Talk (October 16, 2015). [Info] Kehoe, Thomas. »Control, Disempowerment, Fear, and Fantasy: Violent Criminality During the Early American Occupation of Germany, March-July 1945.« Australian Journal of Politics and History 62 (2016): 561-575. [Info] Kehoe, Thomas J., et al. »Crimes Committed by U.S. Soldiers in Europe, 1945-1946.« Journal of Interdisciplinary History 47 (2016): 53-84. [Info] Kehoe, Thomas J., et al. »A Reply to Dykstra’s “Evident Bias in ‘Crimes Committed by U.S. Soldiers in Europe, 1945–1946’”.« Journal of Interdisciplinary History 47 (2017): 385-396. [Info] Kehoe, Thomas J. The Art of Occupation: Crime and Governance in American-Controlled Germany, 1944–1949. Athens 2019. [Info] Krogmann, Ellinor, et al. »Als die Soldaten kamen.« Tandem (July 2015). [Info] Lawlor, Ruth. »The Wartime Battlefield of Sex.« Modern American History 4 (2021): 209-212. [Info] Scott, Claire. »Intruding on the Fairy Tale: Female Storytelling and the Framing of Rape in Helma Sanders-Brahms's Deutschland, bleiche Mutter (1980).« Thirty-Seventh Annual Conference of the German Studies Association. Denver 2013. [Info] Stopfinger, Maron. Kriegsvergewaltigung: Eines kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der feministischen Perspektive von Susan Brownmiller am Beispiel des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Masterarbeit, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 2015. [Info] Streidl, Barbara, et al. »Als die Soldaten kamen: Die Vergewaltigung deutscher Frauen am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs.« Frauenstudien München e.V. Munich 2015. [Info] Ziegler, Walter. »Kriegsende 1945 und Neubeginn im Licht neuer Quellen: Die "Einmarschberichte" der Seelsorgestellen der Erzdiözese München-Freising.« Historisches Jahrbuch 125 (2005): 273-299. [Info] Ziemke, Earl F. The U.S. Army in the Occupation of Germany 1944-1946. Washington, D.C., 1975. [Info] Zorn, Peter. »"Ami-Liebchen" und "Veronika Dankeschön". Bamberg 1945-1952: deutsche Frauen und amerikanische Soldaten.« Geschichte quer 11 (2003): 39-42. Italian Victims [Info] Douglas, R.M. »“Deserving” or “Undeserving” Victims? Prosecuting Sexual Ofences by U.S. Soldiers against Italian Civilians, 1943–1945.« 117th OAH Conference on American History. New Orleans 2024. [Info] Fantozzi, Chiara. »L'onore violato: Stupri, prostituzione e occupazione alleata (Livorno 1944-47).« Passato e Presente No. 34 (2016): 87-111. [Info] Williams, Isobel. Allies and Italians under Occupation: Sicily and Southern Italy, 1943-45. Basingstoke 2013. Japanese Victims [Info] Alexis, Jonas E., et al. »The Rape of Japanese Men and Women After World War II.« Veterans Today (March 6, 2016). [Info] Schrijvers, Peter. The GI War against Japan: American Soldiers in Asia and the Pacific during World War II. New York 2002. [Info] Svoboda, Terese. »Race and American Military Justice: Rape, Murder, and Execution in Occupied Japan.« Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus (2008). |